CUMEDIAE embarks on an ambitious new Pilot Project titled “Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU” launched in January to elaborate a new statistical framework to measure the Cultural and Creative Sector in the EU. The work, expected to have a long-term impact across the whole cultural and creative sectors in Europe, has been entrusted by the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission to a combination of experts in economic and social research and in cultural and creative industries.
The research and analytical work will last for two years and will enable a thorough review of the current statistical analysis of the economical, cultural and social potential of the CCS in Europe, and provide an up-to-date perspective of the sector in the EU.
The Project will be the joint work of expert organizations with strong and proven knowledge and skills to meet its complex and multidisciplinary research goals.
The research will be led by Qmetrics (Portugal), bringing over their decades of experience in statistics, data management and research.
Download full press release here!