On December 6th, CUMEDIAE joined the Next4Fashion: Unlocking New Sustainable Pathways Conference, Dec. 6th at MAD in Brussels.
Projects and communications intern Berta Amigó represented the organisation in a room composed of industry leaders, policymakers and a member of the European Parliament to discuss the opportunities and the future of SMEs in the CCIs.
The conference fostered novel solutions in the fashion sector and broadened societal impact. With an ecosystem approach involving SMEs support, building practices, projects, and policy-making, we not only align with current policies but also drive the development of climate-responsive policies.
By actively participating in discussions and collaborations, CUMEDIAE not only aligns with current policies but also plays a pivotal role in driving the development of climate-responsive policies that will shape the future of the fashion industry.
This conference served as a catalyst for positive change, bringing together diverse perspectives to unlock sustainable pathways and broaden the societal impact of the CCIs in the evolving landscape of fashion.